Ups and Downs
This has been a week of good days mixed in with the not so good. Sandy Hook ten year date. Small Christmas celebration with my women's group. Hard day with Allie. Thursday night Seahawk game and time in Seattle on Friday. The awful death of tWitch. A rough conversation. Nice housewarming at friend's new home. Another hard day with my mom on Sunday. Laughter and sadness. Acupuncture, therapist appointment, lots of reading and thinking. I read The Four Agreements . I'll be starting it again soon and wrapping my brain around each of the agreements and what they mean to me. I started What Happened to You written by Oprah and Dr. Perry. It's very good and has several things that resonate with me and I'm only on page 64. Practicing my breathing and being mindful. Pinpointing the trigger or the root of different reactions to events I've had this week. Two opportunities for me to practice a boundary. Setting boundaries when I'm not used to it feels mean and selfis...